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By Dennis Ogden
Sixty-four years have passed since the end of WWII and the rampart walls of the former Jewish Ghetto, TEREZÍN, have yet to divulge all the secrets they were built to hide.
That is until graffiti dauber Briney Ruza begins having connections with the walls she paints on. Each graffiti is posted on social media as part of her own cheeky game. One particular painting catches the interest of ageing Ghetto surviver Evzen Kravitz, who has never given up hope of one day finding the one item stolen from the parents he lost boarding a death train to Auschwitz.
Briney is enticed to Prague thinking this interest in her painting comes from her estranged mother. There she faces the truth…and Evzen. Together, through their testy relationship, they uncover much more than expected – including corrupt dealings that fleeced many owners and descendants wishing to reclaim property lost to the Nazis and the scheme financing the rise of the neo-nazis.
Briney also has her own personal secrets and when she meets Goth lesbian Zoja in Prague, the lives of everyone she meets will forever change…or forever be lost.
ISBN-13: 978-0-6480869-2-5 Softcover
ISBN-13: 978-0-6480869-3-2 Ebook
Published by Ogden Imprint 2017
336 pages

is a 2017 revised version of